Tuesday, June 26, 2007

My average day...

So it occurs to me that most people cannot fathom what happens in a day for Amanda so...here's a go at today.

Last night around 7PM: Ralph is gone working a store in Homosassa and the house is empty. This is a luxury. I never get the place entirely to myself. So I did all the girlie shit that I wanted to. That took about 20 min. Apparently I don't care if Ralph is here in order to do girlie stuff. I listened to the Fratellis and danced in my underwear...pretty par for the course. And then I decided to sort all my yarn by type. (More so by fiber than by brand) After about 10 min I realized that this was a bit much, even for me. Still haven't figured out where exactly to put it all. But I did realize that I have WAY TOO much acrylic crap yarn. I can't decide if I want to throw it out or try to find something creative to do with it. A debate for the ages, right? So then, I decide to drive to Publix for a much needed dinner break. I often forget to eat, its like on the to-do list, but then I get going with other shit and Poof! I forget. Then things start to get interesting...

8:30PM : Nitin starts texting me. About random shit. Like what am I doing, will I download stuff for the store tomorrow...I will, etc. Then there is a bit of a hiatis while I cook a crappy frozen dinner (which I promptly throw out and decide cereal is WAY better), and manage to drink 1/2 a bottle of wine...

Sidebar: Ladies, my alcohol tolerance is shit. I remember throwing back jello shots and playing beer pong for hours before being drunk. NOT ANYMORE! 2 glasses of wine HELLO FUNNY TOWN! (Really its more like Funny/Horny town).

9PM : The texts continue. In which I find out that religion is an awesome conversation to have over texting, while drinking. Nitin says he doesn't eat beef very often, I ask if that makes him just a little blasphemous. Then we discuss science magazines, which apparently we both really enjoy. And then I begin to wonder if this is turning into some really warped friendship. And then I decide to ask him why he's such an ass at work (remember the wine?) He says he's not, I say he is. Then he says he will try to be better. Then I watch the Incredibles, which is good drunk or sober.

11PM : Trying to fall asleep, but sans-Ralph is almost impossible. Toss-turn-toss-turn....etc. Until 4am when my alarm goes off.

4AM: Shower, decide not to blow dry hair, decide makeup is a good idea because no sleep looks even less attractive than 5 hours sleep. So I throw on my uniform. And manage not to wake Ralph, while I decide that breakfast doesn't happen before 7AM. So I drive to Publix and don't kill anyone, mainly because its 4:40AM.

5AM: Count 5 of 8 checkouts, wonder why Nitin gave me helpers. Then I count all the crap in the front of a Publix, the displays, etc. Books, Mags. Then I count the HBA aisle, with the tylenol, etc. No freezers today. I wonder if this is Nitin's version of nice?

11AM : Nitin lets Gary and I hang around and close out the store so that we can delay heading over to a Lowe's that needs help. Did I mention I hate Lowe's.

12PM : End up at Lowe's anyway. But Dawn seeing my anguish decides to let me just to recounts (yes, we even count things twice sometimes) and not bother dealing with Angela who is throwing me death stares...see "telling her off over walkie talkie".

1:30PM : Leave Lowe's. Manage not to kill anyone on drive home. Ever bigger accomplishment because once again I was getting like 50 million texts at the time.

2PM : Arrive home. Ralph informs me that he is leaving to go hang area tickets in Chiefland. So I won't see him for another day. I whine. He decides to have lunch with me first.

3PM : Waiting for Dawn to drop off ladders at my house before taking a MUCH needed nap. And then I will be up until 10PM and try to get 6 hours of sleep before doing it all over again.


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