Thursday, June 14, 2007

Amanda's Life...In a Nut House...Nut Shell

Alright well hey guys! Missing you both as well. I'm still working for RGIS and slowly plotting to assassinate just about everyone else that works there. Since Jan. I've been promoted twice and for some reason they really seem to like me done here. I don't even know why really. (Let's just say that the idea that I may be a nice person has never entered most people's minds at RGIS) But anyway, this job is just that....a job. Can't wait to leave it even if I did meet my sweetie there. I'm taking nursing classes this fall and can't wait to get started. (I found out that their starting pay is slightly higher than mine...can you believe it?)

Ralph and I are living together. And just recently celebrated our year anniversary. Man, it is weird to be the one in the short term relationship. I was very comfortable in the middle (I mean I was never going to catch up with the high school sweethearts...cliche, but I was comfortable in the middle). Luckily for me I am very happy with Ralph. We are pretty cozy where we are in our little apt. but I don't think either one of us wants to make Gainesville our permanent location. (I would love to move to NC, Ralph is still talking Miami...VETO)

Today at work I got bitten by a radio-active cactus and now I can feel achy and have a slight twinge in my left arm. Not nearly as cool a super power as spiderman huh? By the way, who is totally stoked about the Harry Potter movie and book? I AM! Can't wait. I'm even going to request time off from work to read it right away and thus avoid having the ending spoiled by CNN or dumbass Fox News...aka the anti-news.

Knitting...hmm...oh right I remember what that is. I even get to do it occasionally. I've pretty much stopped working on projects for other people. Right now my attitude is F*ck Them! They never truly appreciate my skill anyway. (That is a little rage filled, isn't it?) But on a really awesome note I am almost finished with my lace camisole and I'm working on a double-cable-sort-of-make-up-the-pattern-as-I-go scarf. It makes me feel inventive and neat. I'll post pictures when I can. OH! Wait more awesome knitting stuff...Ralph bought me an umbrella swift for our anniversary. How rad is that? I'm like my own knitting store...complete with swift. He said he might get me a ball winder too...then I'd really be set.

Hmm, what else? I dunno. I love this idea though, Jen. It's like a diary that we can keep together, and share to the world, but whatever. I'm glad to hear you have such interesting jobs this summer. I'm so proud of my little law friends, now if Katie would start making babies I'd be set. With babies, I will knit. I PROMISE!

Alright well if I can keep up this blog with only 4 hours sleep you bitches better be able to! Love you both so much!


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