Hi ladies!
Long time. I know. This weekend is the quarterly hitchcock's weekend. Where our little district manages to count 9 grocery stores in 3 shifts. So I'll be working 3 grocery stores in the next 12 hours or so. It is insane. No one sleeps and by the third store which is in keystone heights we are all exhausted and a little punch drunk. Sometimes some of us are actually drunk due to pit stops at a bar before the 3rd store. It is insane. Our District Manager even comes out and counts because if he doesn't we never seem to finish in a timely manner and then people start trying to kill each other (especially when Gary, Ralph, Nitin and I are all in the same store, which is literally every Hitchcock's weekend) (See the only thing those 3 boys have in common is me. Gary and I are friends, Nitin is an anomaly, and Ralph is my boyfriend...wackiness ensues). The first store is normally no big deal, everyone remembers how nice it is to count a grocery store without lasers, and we are all happy to be keying away on our little audits. Its a nice break from using lasers all the damn time which totally slow down the people who can actually key. Alright enough about work.
I got a new computer. Its awesome. I love it. My little laptop makes me feel invincible. I can now compute anywhere I want. Currently I am sitting in my bedroom computing away. Normally I can only compute from the dining room. That's right ladies, I am Mobile. By the way, who is aching for that iPhone. I am. And if I hadn't just renewed my contract with att like 3 months ago, then I would go blow like 500 and not think twice about the money. Ok, I'm lying. 500 dollars is a lot for a cell phone. But seriously have you seen it? Its awesomeo! I like that whole side scrolling thing, very paper mario version wii. But Ralph makes a good point when he says that the price will go down, eventually...when the 20gb version comes out. Then there will be the one with the dual processor in it and then you'll literally have a mini-computer everywhere you go and it will be like Star Trek with those vocoder things, they'll be able to tell the atmosphere of distant planets and what the percentage of chlorine is in our drinking water. I'm even beginning to think that you'll be able heal severe trauma by just waving it over the injured part of the body.
Maybe this new computer is a dangerous thing it allows me to compute anywhere. And that gives me freedom, which makes me more loose with my fantasies regarding technology...
::Backing away from the laptop slowly::
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