Tuesday, June 19, 2007

[Insert clever title]

So I survived my first day of cashiering, wasn't too bad. Would have been nice if they had told me everything I need to know, but that's asking a bit much I guess. I'm working again tomorrow, so hopefully someone will show me what to do when the phone rings.

Cruise sounds great. Sometime, maybe not next year but eventually, we should all go on a knitting cruise. Leave the boys at home. They usually happen at a weird time, like October or something. But, in the more immediate future, the US Virgins sound really cool, and maybe this time I could actually DO something like snorkeling, instead of hanging out with Eric's dad and Dad's girlfriend while Eric goes on a history tour... whoops, sorry, still bitter I guess.

Oh, and speaking of knitting, I'm making a tank top from knitty.com (http://www.knitty.com/ISSUEspring07/PATTisabella.html) in lavender Rowan 4-ply cotton, and a lace cardigan in silver Alpaca Silk Georgette (mmm). And I'm super excited, cause Eric made friends with a guy at the firm who has a baby, so I'm making her a little sweater. Baby stuff knits up so fast.

And I'll probably wrap this up now, cause I've got a migraine brewing and I don't think I'm being too coherent.


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