Saturday, August 4, 2007

Advice for Manda

First, who died? I was worried it was something like that.

Second... I think your mom is a little too worried (but that's a mom's job, right?). I think that this is an important point in your relationship, and that it will either rise like a phoenix, or die out, but either way you can see it coming. I think part of what made your breakup with Elliot so hard was that it came out of nowhere. There we were, on our way to Wal-Mart, and BAM! Break-up time. I'm not saying that it wouldn't be hard, I'm just saying you're more emotionally ready.

And if you need someplace to be... come up here. Seriously. We have a second bedroom. Sure, Snoopy might be miffed that we kick her out of it, but I'm sure she'd get over it quickly when she realized that her auntie would be back to spoil her. And God knows I need someone to yell at me to keep the place clean. And you could even have a job lined up; I know there's a RGIS up here, cause they left their tags on the bookshelves at Borders. (One shelf in the comic section contains like $3800 worth of books: I know where to go when I'm in a stealin' mood). Or wait until we move out to Minneapolis. Its a great city (when its bridges aren't falling down). I could exploit you for free child care, um, I mean, get your help raising my kids. You could get your nursing degree and work for the Mayo clinic; then you could come home and lie in your bathtub of money (which I'm assuming you'd get from working there).

I am, however, serious that you could come up and stay with me. I also believe that no matter how things turn out, it will work out for the best for you, because you're a great person and the universe owes you in karma.

Call me anytime; if I'm at work I'll get back to you ASAP.


P.S. Jen, you could move out to Minneapolis too. Then the three of us could work out a child-care exchange and live in fear of the bridges together. Plus, its hard to say no to a city with 10 yarn stores.

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