Sunday, July 1, 2007


Katie, I am so sorry to hear that your grandfather has's a struggle, but I am sure he will get through it. I understand how you feel when the Drs. say one thing and then happened to my mom. When I found out my mom had pancreatic cancer, I felt miserable...I wouldn't wish cancer on anyone. I'm sorry you couldn't hear better news. At least they finally figured out what was wrong with could be worse, right? It is always good to stay as positive as possible for you and your grandfather. I am sure the surgery will go smoothly and the cancer will be eradicated. I have faith.


As for Manda's query about love...I have only been in love once and that is with Kevin. I couldn't imagine being in love with anyone else. I knew I was in love with Kevin even before he said "I love you" to me. Love is a wonderful thing. We are all so lucky to have been and still be in love. On that note --- I love you girls!!


Adding on to a post that I made a few days ago...I went to Mrs. Kennedy's house and it was enormous. It had two stories and sat on a huge piece of property. The pool house was incredible...probably even bigger than my own apartment. There was a side for the men to change and another for the women. The pool house was decorated with pics of celebrities and of RFK. It was amazing. Never thought I would be swimming at a Kennedy's house. All in all...I had so much fun. It also makes me want to adopt...more on that later. (I thought I would leave you hanging - make this post a little more suspenseful - lol.)


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