Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Vacation in 3,2,1....


Yes, that's right va-cay. No more joking around. I literally couldn't be happier. I'm almost ready to go, but its still a bit frantic in my room. I'm also trying to finish a book I'm reading so that I don't have to lug another one on the plane.

I'm so excited! Also I decided to make a separate blog site just for me. That way this one can just be about us girlies and any other random crap that I feel like typing out will be up on the other site. I want to keep this one pure and lately I feel like I've been dumping all my useless thoughts on the Girls blog. Its not just about me. I was being a selfish flake and I apologize to my fellow blog-sisters.

You know what I was thinking about today? Siblings. Jen, you have your darling little sis' who if she gets any cuter will have to be taken out for the betterment of us all. Katie, you have an awesome little bro' with your wicked sense of humor. I unfortunately am the last of my namesake. That's right there will never be another "insert last name here" (lets keep some things confidential, right?). My father had 3 brothers. His older brother is only his half brother, and doesn't share his last name. His younger brother is a hermit, who lives with his wife all tucked away where no one can find him. He would be a difficult father, especially since it seems like he is always growing some sort of illegal plant material...cough cough...The baby of the family was gay. So well you do the math. I am the end of the line. My Grandfather's name dies with me, or rather my marriage, if that ever happens. I know this is silly but I was thinking about my kids. If and when, I ever become a happy mom (cue imagery of mini-vans (a hybrid mini-van) and soccer balls) with Ralph my kids will be without aunts and uncles. He is also an only child. I mean I have a large family and Ralph's family is enormous (Catholic...oy!) so its not like there won't be family, but no actual aunts and uncles.

So I've decided. I'm adopting some. Namely you ladies. Keep in mind that I already realize you will have "actual" nieces and nephews, but I've decided and you know how that goes. So you bitches better deal with it. We're family. Our little apt. together was a home. A place where your heart is. And no matter what blood lines we make through marriage or are born into, you ladies are family. No if, ands, or buts.

Alright well I'll give you time to mull this over. And deal with the acceptance.


PS How cool is it that Ralph's best friend is a girl? And she's getting married and he's going to be her "Best Person"? Also he's decided to throw her a party (I still can't get him to call it a bachelorette party, but I'm working on it)? My boyfriend is too cute.

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