Hey girls. Sorry for the sporadic posts, but I've been crazy busy. Not only do I have to finish up stuff for work (cause it is my last day on Friday), but I had a whole bunch of errands to run (as I am skipping town on Sunday). Furthermore, Kevin's b-day is on Friday, so I've been busy planning for that. Also, I had to put the final touches on the baby sweater I was making (you know me, I am a perfectionist). Below are some pics of the sweater. My friend absolutely loved it. She said she can't wait for her soon to be son to use it. She had actually opened my present first, and she could not stop talking about it even when she was opening other presents.

Amanda, your parents are so cute (if they are your parents). Anyway, I really do like the idea of donating to an organization. I enjoy helping others. All the orgs. sound good, and I will keep my eye out for anymore. Then we should have a vote. Every little bit helps, right? Girl power!!! (lol)
Well, I have some laundry and packing to do.
I miss you two!!!
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