Friday, July 11, 2008

Eric's mom is a bitch


Have you ever met my friend Eric's mom? She the biggest bitch in the whole wide world. (Lalalaaa) She's a big ol' bitch and she has stupid hair she's a bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch.

Ah. I feel better. Some So Eric and I went down to Florida, because we had been meaning to and because my parents were getting a divorce and my dad's a little bummed. Seeing as how he's bummed out, and has an entire house to himself, we decided to stay with him instead of Eric's mom. Since we've stayed with Eric's mom EVERY TIME we've gone to Florida since we've been married, and Sean was staying with her this time, we figured no big deal. But that's assuming Eric's mother is an adult. But she's not. She's a child with an idiot brain. She started badmouthing my dad to Eric. Really, really badmouthing him. The highlight was, "I'd turn gay if I was married to Katie's dad too - he's such an overweight and shadowy figure." What. A. Bitch. Keep in mind that they've only met each other a couple times. Eric was like, "Mom, what the hell is wrong with you?!? He's never made a bad impression." To which she wittily replied, "That's the problem - he's never made any impression." Gee, I can't imagine why my dad wouldn't want to hang out with such a great person. I was furious, and at the time, really, really fucking confused, because my dad is so damn nice to everyone. I eventually realized that she was jealous that we were staying with him instead of her. Seriously. Five year olds are more mature than that. But on the plus side, since we didn't stay with her, I had the most stress-free trip to Florida ever, even as we were dodging my crazy uncle.

But anyway - this week is the big event. The movers are coming on the 17th, moving it out the 18th, and we're leaving the 19th. I'm so excited. No more Ithaca. You guys should definitely come visit us. Seriously.

Jen - I hope everything is going ok. I'm glad that you can move to be close to your mom.

Manda - Baseball?!? Seriously, baseball?!?! That thing on the TV where guys in unflattering and impractically colored outfits stand around for five minutes before finally doing something? Alright. Whatever. You know my dad is going to want to adopt you, right? Cause he already wanted to, but now that you can be enthralled with his vast, encyclopedic knowledge of baseball...


P.S. Um..... nobody send this blog to Eric, k?


Mandapants said...

What a whore. Just a whore. I can't believe anyone would bad mouth your dad. He's such a sweet man, and would never hurt a fly, let alone anyone else. You know that I've never been crazy about Eric's mom, but seriously what a bitch. I just don't even know what else to say.

I love you girls. And your parents. Eric's parents...not so much.

Good luck Katie...seriously you have to deal with this woman for forever...good luck and may the gods bless you on our quiet struggle...seriously.

Jennifer said...

Your dad may hurt a fly, but that's only because they can get annoying. However, like 'manda said, your dad really is a sweet guy.

Have a safe trip and don't let the in-law(s) get to you.

Much love,