Monday, December 31, 2007

Hey girlies!!!

Happy happy new 40 minutes or so! We have all been a little lacky in the blog-o-sphere lately and we should definitely try and get back on the wagon, horse, insert metaphor here. So I'm getting tired of this whole Celiac disease already, and I've only been diagnosed for about 3 weeks now.

No gluten. Ever. Again. Do you realize how painful it is to go through Christmas without a single Christmas cookie? Especially when the neighbors bring over 2 trays worth on Christmas Eve? Oh and when you try to make a gluten-free mocha cheesecake and the crust is chewy and nothing like a graham cracker? UGH! And then yesterday I tried to make stir fry with like a million yummy vegetables, but almost ALL soy sauce is made with wheat. And teriyaki sauce is made with soy sauce, so oy.

Alright least no extra holiday weight. So what are you ladies resolving this year? I'm planning to getting super tight, i.e. hitting the gym hard core (especially if Jen is going to be making me wear some sort of bridemaid dress soon...are you????), knitting socks, sweaters, lace, etc. finding a new job that doesn't cause me headaches and arguments with my boyfriend, and maybe even trying to take a vacation that doesn't involve my parents, some place tropical or mountainous...with my honey...oh and figuring out if Ralph and I are moving toward a permanent goal...

And you?

Love you both more than you know! XOXOXXO

PS One resolution for all of us... Get to see each other far more than we have this year!

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