So since I'm not really sure I've explained everything about what's been happening with me lately, I will now. At length. Trust me.
So Ralph and I broke up. Twice. We were together for more than 2.5 years, which unbelievably is longer than Elliot and I were together. At first things were good, then things were tolerable, then good, then tolerable...this was a constant theme for us. Sometimes things were terrible. Sometimes I thought..."Well this is the time I'm going to be hit in the face". These times were not frequent but when Ralph would get angry, I got scared. I never told anyone, continued to talk about him like he was wonderful and made excuses. I can't believe that I became the type of woman who would stay with a man because he was good half of the time. Or the type that would stick around waiting for the time when I really would get hit. We broke up the first time and luckily for me Robert (a man I'd meant once I moved to Jax at work) offered me a place to stay if I needed it. A week later, Ralph somehow got me back, telling me all the things I'd always wanted to hear. Like that he loved me, and couldn't imagine life without me.
So we got back together. Had a terribly awkward Thanksgiving with my parents. Meanwhile, I continued to talk to Robert at every possible minute, online, text, at work, etc. He never once told me to leave him or pressured me or even really mentioned Ralph. After two weeks, Ralph and I were eating dinner and he decided to get pretty drunk and tell me that he thought Robert and I were sleeping together, and that I wasn't giving us a fair chance. Only half of that was true. Since he was drunk I told him we could talk about it later, but he started yelling (which for Ralph was terrifying) and pacing around the living room. I just sat there hoping that if I was small enough I might not get hit. I ended things that night. Locked myself in my room, and prayed that the pathetic lock on the door might detour his aggression. I left that weekend and basically moved into Robert's apt.
I ended up moving out about a week later. After I told my mom and dad what happened, my Dad threatened to move me to Conn. and kill Ralph as possible options. But instead they just helped me move into my new place.
The thing is that Robert has been my crutch, my knight, my everything. He takes me to movies so I don't think about it. Takes me to shows so I can meet people, see things, experience Jax. I am totally gone on him. He is so wonderful. I never considered him a real possibility at first because we are so different...He's 22, from a conservative background, republican, etc. I just thought that we'd be friends. But I don't think we'll ever be just friends. All I know now is that I haven't been this happy ever. I hate to say silly things like soul mates, or anything stupid like that but for the longest time I thought Elliot was the one and only, but now looking back that seems ridiculous. Robert and I are just honest all the time. No lies, no deceit, no mind games. I can't believe it took me so long to figure this shit out.
I can't wait for you both to meet him. You are the most important friends in my life, and I feel terrible that I kept things from you, i.e. Ralph. But I was so ashamed and embarrassed. I didn't know how to get away. I hope that you can both forgive me for being so stupid. I just want you both to know that I'm going to be discussing this relationship more frequently. And I want you both to meet him and get to know him, when you can.
I love you both, and here's hoping that a new year brings new starts and new possibilities.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
I need your addresses!!!!
Hey girls! I hope all is well. I was wondering if you would email me your addresses so that I can send you your Christmas presents. Thanks so much! Love you both!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Good Lord
Your life never lacks for drama, huh? It sounds to me like you could use a vacation. A vacation to someplace fabulous, that you've never considered going to before. A place like, oh, I dunno, Minneapolis! We have two fabulous guest rooms, a new dog, and live less than 10 minutes from the Mall of America. Lots of yarn stores, a German restaurant where they sell beer in a boot (waaaaaaayyyyyy too much booze for us, but fun to watch other people drink), and tons of other great stuff. Both of you ladies are welcome anytime.
I may need to hide out with one of you, because I may murder Eric. Last paycheck was the first one we had any leftover from (cause the first 2 were totally eaten up by bills and whatnot), so I was feeling pretty good. The dog got sick and I used the rest of my money from college to pay for that,and this paycheck and the next one will be smaller than normal cause of tax stuff, but still, we were doing ok. And the what the fuck does Eric do? He comes home bitching about how annoying it was to restart our XM radio. Hang on a second, how much did that cost? Ready? Ready?
$450. What. The. FUCK! The worst part is, he has no idea what he did wrong. "But its for 3 years!" Who the fuck cares? He doesn't even drive the car that much anymore, and I'm willing to live with free radio. So instead of having $800 to get us through till next paycheck (Friday after next), we have $300 (cause with tax, the total bill was $500). The rest is for rent. I have no money left in my checking account, and I have no credit card, so I have no way to pay for anything. And we have no savings, because Eric spends everything he gets. I have no idea what to do about this. If I try to talk to him about it, he either gets defensive or accuses me of panicking. Yeah, cause not having any money to pay bills or buy food is totally not a reason to panic. Not having any savings for emergencies, or down payment on a house, or for future children is silly to worry about. I'm thinking of going back to Petsmart, just so I can hoard the money from that job. Saving $180 a week is better than nothing.
Sorry Manda, this was supposed to be a supportive post, but I'm just freaking out about money stuff. Oh, and Jen, congrats on passing the bar. I hope everything is going ok for you and Kevin.
I may need to hide out with one of you, because I may murder Eric. Last paycheck was the first one we had any leftover from (cause the first 2 were totally eaten up by bills and whatnot), so I was feeling pretty good. The dog got sick and I used the rest of my money from college to pay for that,and this paycheck and the next one will be smaller than normal cause of tax stuff, but still, we were doing ok. And the what the fuck does Eric do? He comes home bitching about how annoying it was to restart our XM radio. Hang on a second, how much did that cost? Ready? Ready?
$450. What. The. FUCK! The worst part is, he has no idea what he did wrong. "But its for 3 years!" Who the fuck cares? He doesn't even drive the car that much anymore, and I'm willing to live with free radio. So instead of having $800 to get us through till next paycheck (Friday after next), we have $300 (cause with tax, the total bill was $500). The rest is for rent. I have no money left in my checking account, and I have no credit card, so I have no way to pay for anything. And we have no savings, because Eric spends everything he gets. I have no idea what to do about this. If I try to talk to him about it, he either gets defensive or accuses me of panicking. Yeah, cause not having any money to pay bills or buy food is totally not a reason to panic. Not having any savings for emergencies, or down payment on a house, or for future children is silly to worry about. I'm thinking of going back to Petsmart, just so I can hoard the money from that job. Saving $180 a week is better than nothing.
Sorry Manda, this was supposed to be a supportive post, but I'm just freaking out about money stuff. Oh, and Jen, congrats on passing the bar. I hope everything is going ok for you and Kevin.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Let's Talk Amanda!
Call me whenever you have the free time (anytime is good for me). I miss you and I love you!!!! You can always talk to me. (You too, Katie).
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Time for some drama. So you both are aware of the fact that Ralph and I haven't been getting along recently. You both also know that there was someone else I recently met who is just a friend, but does like spending time with me, oh and noticing I exist. Which is a nice change. On Saturday, Ralph and I broke up. It took like 5 hours of talking to come to some sort of understand about why I was feeling what I was feeling. He spent a good chunk of the time trying to make me come back to him, comparing me to a "star" and all this other bullshit. He also accused me of cheating on him with not 1 person but 3. (Gary, Robert (the new friend), and NITIN of all people). So yeah. It is great living here now, which is probably why I've been spending every evening out somewhere else.
The thing is I don't want to be a bitch and I'm trying to be understanding. But he keeps doing weirder and weirder shit. Like 3 days ago he begged me to go to breakfast with him. and 2 nights ago he begged me to have dinner with him. I went to both, but its weird and uncomfortable for me, and he just keeps staring at me. And then yesterday he asked if we could go to the mall together to get a new battery for his watch. What the hell>!?!?
The biggest fiasco though, was today at work. He walked in to Publix as the store was finishing and pulled Robert aside and said "We need to have a chat about what you're doing with Amanda". WHAT THE FUCK!
A. We are doing nothing except hanging out with his roomie and his girlfriend.
D. We are AT WORK!
E. Did I mention...NONE OF HIS BUSINESS??!??1?!??1
Robert went to the office to try and talk to him and he said "This doesn't concern work in any way, so I'll call you later..." THEN WHY DID HE COME TO WORK IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!?!?!??1?!
Seriously...I'm going to kill something soon.
Call me or write something up on the blog...
The thing is I don't want to be a bitch and I'm trying to be understanding. But he keeps doing weirder and weirder shit. Like 3 days ago he begged me to go to breakfast with him. and 2 nights ago he begged me to have dinner with him. I went to both, but its weird and uncomfortable for me, and he just keeps staring at me. And then yesterday he asked if we could go to the mall together to get a new battery for his watch. What the hell>!?!?
The biggest fiasco though, was today at work. He walked in to Publix as the store was finishing and pulled Robert aside and said "We need to have a chat about what you're doing with Amanda". WHAT THE FUCK!
A. We are doing nothing except hanging out with his roomie and his girlfriend.
D. We are AT WORK!
E. Did I mention...NONE OF HIS BUSINESS??!??1?!??1
Robert went to the office to try and talk to him and he said "This doesn't concern work in any way, so I'll call you later..." THEN WHY DID HE COME TO WORK IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!?!?!??1?!
Seriously...I'm going to kill something soon.
Call me or write something up on the blog...
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Just a reminder that Xmas is coming soon, and some girls should update their wishlists so that they don't get coal for Xmas from a certain friend who currently resides in Jax and does their Xmas shopping early, like when they have money, as appose to in December when they barely work and have no money for food let alone Xmas presents...hint hint.
Just sayin'.
Just sayin'.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Top Olympic sayings
So I totally stole this from a thread in Ravelry, but they stole it from an email, so its all good.
1. Weightlifting commentator: ‘This is Gregoriava from Bulgaria. I saw her snatch this morning during her warm up and it was amazing.’
2.Dressage commentator: ‘This is really a lovely horse and I speak from personal experience since I once mounted her mother.’
3.Paul Hamm, Gymnast: ‘I owe a lot to my parents, especially my mother and father.’
4. Boxing Analyst: ‘Sure there have been injuries, and even some deaths in boxing, but none of them really that serious.’
5. Softball announcer: ‘If history repeats itself, I should think we can expect the same thing again.’
6.Basketball analyst: ‘He dribbles a lot and the opposition doesn’t like it. In fact you can see it all over their faces.’
7. At the rowing medal ceremony: ‘Ah, isn’t that nice, the wife of the IOC president is hugging the cox of the British crew.’
8. Soccer commentator: ‘Julian Dicks is everywhere. It’s like they’ve got eleven Dicks on the field.’
9. Tennis commentator: ‘One of the reasons Andy is playing so well is that, before the final round, his wife takes out his balls and kisses them… Oh my God, what have I just said?
1. Weightlifting commentator: ‘This is Gregoriava from Bulgaria. I saw her snatch this morning during her warm up and it was amazing.’
2.Dressage commentator: ‘This is really a lovely horse and I speak from personal experience since I once mounted her mother.’
3.Paul Hamm, Gymnast: ‘I owe a lot to my parents, especially my mother and father.’
4. Boxing Analyst: ‘Sure there have been injuries, and even some deaths in boxing, but none of them really that serious.’
5. Softball announcer: ‘If history repeats itself, I should think we can expect the same thing again.’
6.Basketball analyst: ‘He dribbles a lot and the opposition doesn’t like it. In fact you can see it all over their faces.’
7. At the rowing medal ceremony: ‘Ah, isn’t that nice, the wife of the IOC president is hugging the cox of the British crew.’
8. Soccer commentator: ‘Julian Dicks is everywhere. It’s like they’ve got eleven Dicks on the field.’
9. Tennis commentator: ‘One of the reasons Andy is playing so well is that, before the final round, his wife takes out his balls and kisses them… Oh my God, what have I just said?
Thursday, July 17, 2008
I've Decided To Join The Dark …
Well, not exactly. I've decided to create my own blog, the background of which is black. Anyway, if you don't get enough Jen on this blog, you can always get your 24/7 fill of Jen at the blog entitled - Title: To Be Determined at
Posted with LifeCast
Posted with LifeCast
Friday, July 11, 2008
Eric's mom is a bitch
Have you ever met my friend Eric's mom? She the biggest bitch in the whole wide world. (Lalalaaa) She's a big ol' bitch and she has stupid hair she's a bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch.
Ah. I feel better. Some So Eric and I went down to Florida, because we had been meaning to and because my parents were getting a divorce and my dad's a little bummed. Seeing as how he's bummed out, and has an entire house to himself, we decided to stay with him instead of Eric's mom. Since we've stayed with Eric's mom EVERY TIME we've gone to Florida since we've been married, and Sean was staying with her this time, we figured no big deal. But that's assuming Eric's mother is an adult. But she's not. She's a child with an idiot brain. She started badmouthing my dad to Eric. Really, really badmouthing him. The highlight was, "I'd turn gay if I was married to Katie's dad too - he's such an overweight and shadowy figure." What. A. Bitch. Keep in mind that they've only met each other a couple times. Eric was like, "Mom, what the hell is wrong with you?!? He's never made a bad impression." To which she wittily replied, "That's the problem - he's never made any impression." Gee, I can't imagine why my dad wouldn't want to hang out with such a great person. I was furious, and at the time, really, really fucking confused, because my dad is so damn nice to everyone. I eventually realized that she was jealous that we were staying with him instead of her. Seriously. Five year olds are more mature than that. But on the plus side, since we didn't stay with her, I had the most stress-free trip to Florida ever, even as we were dodging my crazy uncle.
But anyway - this week is the big event. The movers are coming on the 17th, moving it out the 18th, and we're leaving the 19th. I'm so excited. No more Ithaca. You guys should definitely come visit us. Seriously.
Jen - I hope everything is going ok. I'm glad that you can move to be close to your mom.
Manda - Baseball?!? Seriously, baseball?!?! That thing on the TV where guys in unflattering and impractically colored outfits stand around for five minutes before finally doing something? Alright. Whatever. You know my dad is going to want to adopt you, right? Cause he already wanted to, but now that you can be enthralled with his vast, encyclopedic knowledge of baseball...
P.S. Um..... nobody send this blog to Eric, k?
Have you ever met my friend Eric's mom? She the biggest bitch in the whole wide world. (Lalalaaa) She's a big ol' bitch and she has stupid hair she's a bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch.
Ah. I feel better. Some So Eric and I went down to Florida, because we had been meaning to and because my parents were getting a divorce and my dad's a little bummed. Seeing as how he's bummed out, and has an entire house to himself, we decided to stay with him instead of Eric's mom. Since we've stayed with Eric's mom EVERY TIME we've gone to Florida since we've been married, and Sean was staying with her this time, we figured no big deal. But that's assuming Eric's mother is an adult. But she's not. She's a child with an idiot brain. She started badmouthing my dad to Eric. Really, really badmouthing him. The highlight was, "I'd turn gay if I was married to Katie's dad too - he's such an overweight and shadowy figure." What. A. Bitch. Keep in mind that they've only met each other a couple times. Eric was like, "Mom, what the hell is wrong with you?!? He's never made a bad impression." To which she wittily replied, "That's the problem - he's never made any impression." Gee, I can't imagine why my dad wouldn't want to hang out with such a great person. I was furious, and at the time, really, really fucking confused, because my dad is so damn nice to everyone. I eventually realized that she was jealous that we were staying with him instead of her. Seriously. Five year olds are more mature than that. But on the plus side, since we didn't stay with her, I had the most stress-free trip to Florida ever, even as we were dodging my crazy uncle.
But anyway - this week is the big event. The movers are coming on the 17th, moving it out the 18th, and we're leaving the 19th. I'm so excited. No more Ithaca. You guys should definitely come visit us. Seriously.
Jen - I hope everything is going ok. I'm glad that you can move to be close to your mom.
Manda - Baseball?!? Seriously, baseball?!?! That thing on the TV where guys in unflattering and impractically colored outfits stand around for five minutes before finally doing something? Alright. Whatever. You know my dad is going to want to adopt you, right? Cause he already wanted to, but now that you can be enthralled with his vast, encyclopedic knowledge of baseball...
P.S. Um..... nobody send this blog to Eric, k?
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
To Florida huh?
Well...that's interesting because you know that dear ol' Ralph and I live mighty mighty close to a rockin' beach and we happen to have an extra bedroom that comes equipped with the world's greatest So if you happen to be like, "hey, I need a vacation from all this Gulf beach area stuff, I know let's go to the ocean..." we are TOTALLY available. Plus...I might even throw in a little breakfast action in the morning...and take you to the local yarn store...or the movies...both of which I have recently found in my new neighborhood. So you bitches better be coming for a visit...oh...and...Halloween Horror Nights...part 3? or is it 4? whatever.
On a serious note...girls, I have something important to tell you...
this is hard to type...
I have recently discovered that I...
I know its tragic. Please call and offer sympathy in this difficult time.
By the way, the closer I get to leaving this god forsaken town the better I feel. I have been feeling like I'm on top of the world lately and its wonderful. I guess I didn't realize how unhappy work was making me; I'm even beginning to wonder if it was causing all my tummy, stomach, gut, crap factory issues. Love you guys!!!
On a serious note...girls, I have something important to tell you...
this is hard to type...
I have recently discovered that I...
I know its tragic. Please call and offer sympathy in this difficult time.
By the way, the closer I get to leaving this god forsaken town the better I feel. I have been feeling like I'm on top of the world lately and its wonderful. I guess I didn't realize how unhappy work was making me; I'm even beginning to wonder if it was causing all my tummy, stomach, gut, crap factory issues. Love you guys!!!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
I love you both!!!
Thanks so much for the support. I knew I could count on you both (except for the whole "flexible" comment, lol; I still actually have that card). Anyway, Kevin and I have decided to move back down to Florida, possibly Naples, not exactly sure. We both want to be close to my mom. I love you so much, but I really should get back to "studying."
Monday, June 30, 2008
Drs. have found cancerous cells in my mom's lungs. She will be needing to go through chemo again. If you guys would keep her in your thoughts, I would greatly appreciate it.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Katie, Happy Birthday to you!!!!!!
I hope you have a wonderful birthday!!!
Much Love,
I hope you have a wonderful birthday!!!
Much Love,
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Here we go...
This is Victoria's Secret's idea of a bridesmaid dress...
Crap. I need to hit the gym hard.
Crap. I need to hit the gym hard.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
New apt.
Hey girlies...just dropping a quick note about the new apt. The link below is for the main apt. community. We are in an Oleander on the second floor. Check out the floor plan. Its bitchin'. All the appliances are brand new. The washer/dryer both still had their stickers on them when Ralph began his move.
I am not excited about living alone. I swear that I keep hearing things in the living room...then I go to check it out only to realize that I'm crazy and its just an old building. Oy.
Ok, so guys, did you all notice that Elliot is engaged? Its weird right? I've been talking to him a bit on facebook lately. Whats even weirder is that Jeff (his cousin, who I also dated, in high school) is married. It all just seems so trippy. It doesn't happen very often but every now and then I'm like "wait a minute, aren't I suppose to be marrying him?". I don't miss the relationship and can't imagine marry anyone right now, let alone Elliot, but it seems like that was my life plan for so long, and now its TOTALLY not. Life takes weird trips sometimes. For some reason marriage just isn't on my agenda right now. I really want to finish nursing school and then maybe move...far away from Florida. I've been looking into jobs maybe in Colorado or somewhere out there. You guys could see me as a snow bunny right?
Ok so that turned into a much longer post than planned. Let me know what you guys you both so much. Congrats, Katie, on finding an awesome pad.
I am not excited about living alone. I swear that I keep hearing things in the living room...then I go to check it out only to realize that I'm crazy and its just an old building. Oy.
Ok, so guys, did you all notice that Elliot is engaged? Its weird right? I've been talking to him a bit on facebook lately. Whats even weirder is that Jeff (his cousin, who I also dated, in high school) is married. It all just seems so trippy. It doesn't happen very often but every now and then I'm like "wait a minute, aren't I suppose to be marrying him?". I don't miss the relationship and can't imagine marry anyone right now, let alone Elliot, but it seems like that was my life plan for so long, and now its TOTALLY not. Life takes weird trips sometimes. For some reason marriage just isn't on my agenda right now. I really want to finish nursing school and then maybe move...far away from Florida. I've been looking into jobs maybe in Colorado or somewhere out there. You guys could see me as a snow bunny right?
Ok so that turned into a much longer post than planned. Let me know what you guys you both so much. Congrats, Katie, on finding an awesome pad.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
..where the hell are you guys? I know that you are both, probably, incredibly busy, but I would like to hear from you. I miss you both!!!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Sorry for being awol
Hey girls! A great deal has happened with the both of you since I last posted. According to Amanda's blog, I see that you will be moving to Jacksonville. How exciting! A new place to explore (somewhere other than Gainesville). Katie, I'm sorry to hear that your parents are getting divorced, but you've obviously known for years (I can remember talking about it around the time of your wedding). I'm not sure if you're happy, sad, or indifferent about the entire situation, but I am here to listen.
Anyway, on an entirely different note (and no, I am not engaged yet), I finally graduated. It was a long time coming, right? Also, Puerto Rico was beautiful and the food was amazing. Kevin and I hope to post pics on our blog ( We even have some pretty good pics of little fishes (we bought a camera that could go under water up to 33 ft).
Sasha is doing well...the little princess that she is. Oh, and Katie, she loved the doggy treats so much that we bought more of the blueberry as well as the apple treats.
Also, I'm sorry that I haven't posted in a while, but I am sure you will understand. Well, that is all for now.
I love you both!!!!
P.S.- Amanda, the flowers are in full bloom and beautiful. Thank you so much! Katie, being that your birthday is around the corner - what do you want?
Anyway, on an entirely different note (and no, I am not engaged yet), I finally graduated. It was a long time coming, right? Also, Puerto Rico was beautiful and the food was amazing. Kevin and I hope to post pics on our blog ( We even have some pretty good pics of little fishes (we bought a camera that could go under water up to 33 ft).
Sasha is doing well...the little princess that she is. Oh, and Katie, she loved the doggy treats so much that we bought more of the blueberry as well as the apple treats.
Also, I'm sorry that I haven't posted in a while, but I am sure you will understand. Well, that is all for now.
I love you both!!!!
P.S.- Amanda, the flowers are in full bloom and beautiful. Thank you so much! Katie, being that your birthday is around the corner - what do you want?
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Well, the day finally came, and my mom told my dad she wants a divorce. So far, dad is taking in pretty well. He's upset, but not can't-function upset. Hopefully, this will go smoothly and be over soon.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
I'm finally done....
Ok, so I'm finally done, now what? I will be graduating in two weeks, on the 17th, but the end of my entire academic career was... what's the word... anti-climatic. I expected to be more excited, I'm not. I guess it all has to do with this "simple" question...what do I want to do with the rest of my life?
Anyway, tomorrow, Kevin and I are going to Puerto Rico. I've been looking forward to that more than my graduation. Funny, isn't it? Well, I have a few things to do before getting my 2-3 hours of sleep. I love you both!
Anyway, tomorrow, Kevin and I are going to Puerto Rico. I've been looking forward to that more than my graduation. Funny, isn't it? Well, I have a few things to do before getting my 2-3 hours of sleep. I love you both!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Weirdest... day... ever
Today was bizarre. Period. I went in to work, and my boss was there until about 11:45. After she left, a honeybee flew into the store and I rescued it. Now, seeing as how honeybees are dying off, and I risked getting stung to save one, I think this will be the highlight of my day. I can be all, "Hey, I saved civilization, what did YOU do today?" But no.
Our store is right under an victim's advocacy center. They do work with abused spouses and children, etc. Their door is locked, and you have to buzz in to get in. Some random (and sketchy) looking guy comes up and buzzes the door. When the screener comes on, he asks to be let in so he can "Look at some pamphlets and see what you guys are all about.". There's a long pause, and then the screener tells him to wait a minute. After a while, one of the ladies comes down and talks with him. He starts to raise his voice, and I can't tell if its because he's involved in what he's saying or because he's getting belligerent. Either way, I'm watching this whole situation, just in case I need to call the police. She finally goes in to get some pamphlets and disappears around a corner with him. I watch to make sure she comes back, and she does, so everything's cool.
The next thing I know, there's a dog walking into the store. It trots past a customer and into the back. I walk outside, figuring there's a frantic owner following close behind with a broken leash. No one. Nobody looking, no voices calling for the dog, nada. It looks shy, but not aggressive, and I can hear tags clinking on a collar as it walks off. The customer leaves, and I debate about whether to call animal control. Before I can make a decision, the dog comes back into the store and plops down in the entryway. I can't find the number for animal control, so I called the SPCA. They told me they'd see if someone could come by. I wait, talking to the dog in the hopes that it will continue to not freak out on me, or leave the store, since I don't want to scare it by closing the door. Another customer comes in, and when I explain the situation to her, she tries to grab the dog to check its tags. It runs behind the counter and hides behind me. So, I'm thinking that this customer is an idiot, and that I must have incredibly good vibes if this scared dog is willing to trust me. After a minute, it walks outside again. I follow it into the shop next door, where I tell them what's going on. As they try to decide if they should let it be or see if they can lure it somewhere safe, a woman finally comes and tells us she's just seen someone looking for a dog. Turns out the lady who owns store on the corner brings the dog with her to work, and that someone let the dog out by mistake. The dog is safe, I call the SPCA to tell them everything's ok.
Later, a young Asian guy comes in. He tells me he's Japanese, and doing his missionary work here in America for some group with a generic, "Children of God" style name. He's fundraising, and would like to know if I would like some handmade jewelry. I buy a necklace, and after he leaves I call Eric with the initials of the organization I made the check out to. Turns out I now own a necklace made by the Unification Church (that's the Moonies, btw). Pretty sweet, but really weird and random.
Finally, going home the elevator in the garage is broken, so I have to take the stairs and in doing so help a man carry luggage up to his car. Its been one strange thing after another. I keep thinking I must be on one of those touchy-feely insurance commercials about people helping each other.
I'm so glad I have tomorrow off.
Our store is right under an victim's advocacy center. They do work with abused spouses and children, etc. Their door is locked, and you have to buzz in to get in. Some random (and sketchy) looking guy comes up and buzzes the door. When the screener comes on, he asks to be let in so he can "Look at some pamphlets and see what you guys are all about.". There's a long pause, and then the screener tells him to wait a minute. After a while, one of the ladies comes down and talks with him. He starts to raise his voice, and I can't tell if its because he's involved in what he's saying or because he's getting belligerent. Either way, I'm watching this whole situation, just in case I need to call the police. She finally goes in to get some pamphlets and disappears around a corner with him. I watch to make sure she comes back, and she does, so everything's cool.
The next thing I know, there's a dog walking into the store. It trots past a customer and into the back. I walk outside, figuring there's a frantic owner following close behind with a broken leash. No one. Nobody looking, no voices calling for the dog, nada. It looks shy, but not aggressive, and I can hear tags clinking on a collar as it walks off. The customer leaves, and I debate about whether to call animal control. Before I can make a decision, the dog comes back into the store and plops down in the entryway. I can't find the number for animal control, so I called the SPCA. They told me they'd see if someone could come by. I wait, talking to the dog in the hopes that it will continue to not freak out on me, or leave the store, since I don't want to scare it by closing the door. Another customer comes in, and when I explain the situation to her, she tries to grab the dog to check its tags. It runs behind the counter and hides behind me. So, I'm thinking that this customer is an idiot, and that I must have incredibly good vibes if this scared dog is willing to trust me. After a minute, it walks outside again. I follow it into the shop next door, where I tell them what's going on. As they try to decide if they should let it be or see if they can lure it somewhere safe, a woman finally comes and tells us she's just seen someone looking for a dog. Turns out the lady who owns store on the corner brings the dog with her to work, and that someone let the dog out by mistake. The dog is safe, I call the SPCA to tell them everything's ok.
Later, a young Asian guy comes in. He tells me he's Japanese, and doing his missionary work here in America for some group with a generic, "Children of God" style name. He's fundraising, and would like to know if I would like some handmade jewelry. I buy a necklace, and after he leaves I call Eric with the initials of the organization I made the check out to. Turns out I now own a necklace made by the Unification Church (that's the Moonies, btw). Pretty sweet, but really weird and random.
Finally, going home the elevator in the garage is broken, so I have to take the stairs and in doing so help a man carry luggage up to his car. Its been one strange thing after another. I keep thinking I must be on one of those touchy-feely insurance commercials about people helping each other.
I'm so glad I have tomorrow off.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
:::Gasp::: You people are still alive!
So, Amanda, moving to Tampa sounds good, but you know what sounds even better? Moving to Minneapolis. Come on - there are like, 25 yarns stores in the area or something insane like that. And if you were there, Jen would HAVE to come too, because gravity and fate would pull her to us. This is a good plan.
Oh, also, I saw Iron Man, and it ROCKED!!!!! Whoever wrote Tony Stark's dialog deserves a raise. This is the first of the Marvel Studios only movies, and I have high hopes for the future ones.
Jen - when do you graduate? There will need to be presents and so forth.
Oh, also, I saw Iron Man, and it ROCKED!!!!! Whoever wrote Tony Stark's dialog deserves a raise. This is the first of the Marvel Studios only movies, and I have high hopes for the future ones.
Jen - when do you graduate? There will need to be presents and so forth.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Do it!!!
I think you should go ahead and go for it! Assuming the worse happens (i.e.- things don't work out between you and Ralph...not that it would ever happen...remember, this is totally hypothetical), at least you will have relatives close by. (Had the move been cross-country, far away from people you know, I would probably say that you shouldn't move.) Especially since you don't particularly care for Gainesville (and the people in it) anymore, I think this would be a good move for you. A new change of scenery is always helpful (especially since you can go to the beach on weekends...assuming that you will have a weekend since you will be working less). Well, that's my two cents. If you want to talk about it, my phone is always looking forward to a friendly phone call.
I love you both!!!
I love you both!!!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Alright so what's the deal with facebook? I just don't think I get it. I got this email the other day from Elliot (of all people) saying that he wanted to be friends...uh ok. I just don't get it. I was looking around it the other day and looked at some people's profiles. It seems to be just a popularity contest online. I don't understand the draw. Why would I need to find people from high school that I haven't spoken to in 5 years? What do we have in common at this point? I'm not saying that facebook is a bad idea, in fact the dude that created it is probably a damn genius, but there are people that spend hours on that sucker. Oy. Get a life.
On another note...I may be moving. So here's the deal. Ralph got this opportunity to become an area manager for the Home Depot team. This is a good thing because it involves a company care, salary, benefits, etc. You know, basically all the crap that should be involved in a job, but isn't. The only problem is that the job is based out of Tampa. Ralph originally pitched the idea yesterday and to be honest I was happy about it. I am so f*cking sick of Gainesville and all the people I work for that the idea of moving, even if its only 2 hours away sounds like heaven. So you are probably thinking to yourself...what about school Amanda? And I am saying, I will probably transfer. I could attend USF and have no problems. I just found out that because of my independent status I can get a crapload of financial aid and cut back on working. I just would love to stop dealing with all this crap in Gainesville and RUN, and I mean RUN away from all these Gainesvillians.
So the only real problem is that we just renewed our lease, but we could always offer it as a sublease, and on the plus side I found a brand new apt. in Tampa for less than we're paying now and with more sq. footage.
So what do you guys think? Crazy? In some regards I have to sit and wonder if I'm putting myself in the say position as before, i.e. DC, but Tampa is only 2 hours drive and I have family in St. Pete still. Gimme your honest opinions, because bullshit is for losers.
love ya!
PS We all know that I am the one doing crazy shit in the bedroom...I should be worth WAY more than you bitches!
On another note...I may be moving. So here's the deal. Ralph got this opportunity to become an area manager for the Home Depot team. This is a good thing because it involves a company care, salary, benefits, etc. You know, basically all the crap that should be involved in a job, but isn't. The only problem is that the job is based out of Tampa. Ralph originally pitched the idea yesterday and to be honest I was happy about it. I am so f*cking sick of Gainesville and all the people I work for that the idea of moving, even if its only 2 hours away sounds like heaven. So you are probably thinking to yourself...what about school Amanda? And I am saying, I will probably transfer. I could attend USF and have no problems. I just found out that because of my independent status I can get a crapload of financial aid and cut back on working. I just would love to stop dealing with all this crap in Gainesville and RUN, and I mean RUN away from all these Gainesvillians.
So the only real problem is that we just renewed our lease, but we could always offer it as a sublease, and on the plus side I found a brand new apt. in Tampa for less than we're paying now and with more sq. footage.
So what do you guys think? Crazy? In some regards I have to sit and wonder if I'm putting myself in the say position as before, i.e. DC, but Tampa is only 2 hours drive and I have family in St. Pete still. Gimme your honest opinions, because bullshit is for losers.
love ya!
PS We all know that I am the one doing crazy shit in the bedroom...I should be worth WAY more than you bitches!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Monday, March 3, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Happy Birthday Snoopy!!!

Today is Snoopy's 5th birthday.... that's right, she's officially hit middle age. She celebrated by getting sick enough that we left her overnight at Cornell (although now she's fine). We made carrot cake cupcakes, and she's going to get the greens from the tops. I took this pic of her today, so you guys can see how cute she still is.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy 'I love my best friends' Day!!
I just wanted to share with the both of you how much I love you and miss you!!! You both are my "bestest" friends (sorry to be mushy). I hope that you enjoyed the presents I sent (;) check your email ;)). Happy Valentine's Day!
Much love,
Much love,
Friday, January 18, 2008
What were you guys up to at 6:30 am?
Cause I was learning that Ithaca's hospital is in the middle of fucking nowhere. Eric woke up this morning and said that it hurt to breathe, and that it hurt so much he wanted to go to the emergency room. So, we drive out to the hospital. When the nurse asks him what's wrong, he says he has chest pains, which is the magic word in an emergency room. The upside of his choice of wording is that we got in right away: they put him in a wheel chair and scooted him into a room, where he was hooked up to monitors for his heart. The downside is that we got a lot of nice expensive tests done (like 3 EKGs... man I hope the insurance covers a lot of this). We see the doctor for a grand total of 1:30 minutes - she just makes sure he's not dying of a heart attack and leaves. After 3 nurses take blood from him 4 times (one messed up and stopped: one tried twice and got it: and one had to take more blood after his samples clotted) we watched the history channel for 2 hours. Finally the doctor comes in for another minute to tell us "You will go home. Pain was muscular-skeleltal." and then she's off again, and we're left going, "Ok.... are we supposed to leave now? Is she coming back, since she left in the middle of a sentence?"
What we've gathered from the discharge papers is that he experienced some sort of muscle pain, which could be caused from exersion, coughing, or whatever (Eric thinks he might have been sitting in a weird way while letting the bunnies run around). We got a prescription, which we're a little unclear on regarding what it is and what its for, since the doctor did such a fine job (can't wait to get the survey so we can give her a review). He is supposed to follow up with his regular doctor, who we're hoping will give us a better idea about what's going on.
Since I only got 3-4 hours of sleep before spending 4 1/2 hours at the hospital, I called in to work. We went back to bed at noon, so now I feel all bleh. Eric's doing fine. His chest muscles feel sore, but he's not really in pain. Just thought I'd share our adventure with you guys.
What we've gathered from the discharge papers is that he experienced some sort of muscle pain, which could be caused from exersion, coughing, or whatever (Eric thinks he might have been sitting in a weird way while letting the bunnies run around). We got a prescription, which we're a little unclear on regarding what it is and what its for, since the doctor did such a fine job (can't wait to get the survey so we can give her a review). He is supposed to follow up with his regular doctor, who we're hoping will give us a better idea about what's going on.
Since I only got 3-4 hours of sleep before spending 4 1/2 hours at the hospital, I called in to work. We went back to bed at noon, so now I feel all bleh. Eric's doing fine. His chest muscles feel sore, but he's not really in pain. Just thought I'd share our adventure with you guys.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Ok, so I feel a bit guilty
So, I feel a bit guilty for posting this so soon after Manda, but it just kicks so much ass I had to show you guys. Jen get Kevin, cause I think he'll appreciate it too:
And, of course Manda, I'm so so sorry for your loss. Loosing one person is sucky enough: two at a time from unrelated causes takes the gold I think. Call if you need anything.
And, of course Manda, I'm so so sorry for your loss. Loosing one person is sucky enough: two at a time from unrelated causes takes the gold I think. Call if you need anything.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Anyone interested in going on a cruise?
If so, please im, email, or call me asap. My sister, her friend, and I are possibly looking to go sometime in March (March 10th to be exact).
Love ya,
Love ya,
Monday, January 7, 2008
Back to the Grind
So, before I head off to a long day of work and school (work till 4 and then class till 11), I just wanted to say hello. I hope you both enjoyed your Christmas presents from me. Manda, I'm sorry it took so long to get your present to you, but every single company we tried to purchase your present from would tell us, several days after ordering, that the present wasn't in stock. So, we were finally able to find a store, but unfortuantely, we could not get the exact, I hope you still like it. I also want to thank you both for my presents....I loved them all. I miss you both and hopefully we will be able to get together soon. Sasha, our dog, says hi as well. For a few pics, visit our (kevin and mine) blog at
Much Love,
Much Love,
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