Thursday, August 5, 2010

I really miss you girls...

I feel like I haven't been staying in touch with you girls the way I should, I'm going to make a change. I'm going to try to call, or at the very least, text more. Also, I will definitely make an effort to keep this blog as updated as possible. With that said, I just wanted to let you both know that you both are still a very important part of my life - I would be absolutely lost without you girls in my life.

Enough of that mushy stuff... who's looking forward to fantasy football? I know I am!

Much Love,

P.S.- Manda- Those Rays are looking good!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Shoot him in the face, huh? Sounds like a murder 1 conviction girlie. But thanks for the offer. It doesn't matter now. He can't effect me anymore, except at work. At work, he likes to make Robert's life hell, not mine, but Robert can deal with it. I tend to mention the times that Ralph is an ass to our district manager so that the information gets passed along. Harassment is a no-no.

So today is a big day. A super mega big day. Robert and I are going to meet his mother, grandparents, step-father, 2 brothers, and sister in law. All in one meeting. Oh boy. Guess who's Firstly, I am 3 years older than him. Secondly, I'm not Christian and his younger brother is a youth pastor and the rest of his family is pretty religious, but strangely Robert is pretty moderate. He seems to think that Christianity should be about loving people, and that church is often about hating other people. So he's not really down with the church. We get along in that regard...and almost every other regard. Thirdly, we live a one bedroom apt. Oh boy! I just hope I don't do anything stupid like say "fuck" seventy times in a row, or hit my thumb and say "Jesus Christ" or "Goddamn it", you know, phrases I love. I also have no idea what to wear. Robert says is casual, but it seems to me when you go to meet the entire family that you should probably not wear your "Gettin' Lucky in Kentucky" t-shirt. (Just kidding I wasn't planning on wearing that ever, around them).

When his mom called to ask us over for dinner, Robert was so cute...he paused and told his mom he had to ask me he paused, put his phone on mute, and then asked me very seriously, if I wanted to meet almost everyone in his family at one dinner. I said yes. I find it very hard to say no to him, because he's so honest with me, and I know that if I had said no, he would have been completely okay with it.

Everything is so much easier with Robert. There are no head games or drama. When I want to do something or go somewhere, I just tell him and we do it. Whenever I cook something he talks about how great it is or how wonderful it is that I would cook for him. We are clicking wonderfully...and of course the bedroom antics are pretty wonderful too.

Anyway, I'm sure I'll make it through tonight. Robert promised to not leave me high and dry ever and to inform Michael (his younger brother/youth pastor) not to be a pastor tonight. So I'm ok. probably.

oh boy. Love you girlies...


Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I'm sorry; I feel really fucking stupid and worthless right now, because it had occured to me fleetingly that your relationship might have been like that. When you told me about one of your arguments and you said he accused you of cheating on him, I thought that that sounded like something an abusive person might say, but I dismissed the thought and only mentioned it briefly because I thought you would have told me. I'm sorry that I didn't ask more questions and push harder, and also I'm sorry that I can't figure out a way to shoot him in the face and make it look like an accident. Please please call me if you want to talk.


I've actually been meaning to call you, but ran into a major obstacle because my phone spontaniously deleted some of my saved numbers. I programed in my Dad's cell and MIL's home phone, but then couldn't find my backup copy of your number. However, I was clearing out my text messages yesterday and found an old text from you with your number. So I'm hoping to call you sometime soon. Its been way too long since we talked. I'm also wondering if you got my Xmas presents yet - there's a small one and then a cool one coming from England, so I don't know how long that will take. Let me know.

So, the moral of this message is that if either of you need to talk to me at any time, call me. Seriously, I do nothing all day but clean the house and hang out with the dog. I'm up late at night and you're an hour ahead of us anyway, so don't be afraid to call late. Mornings are trickier, but if I sleep through your call I will call back ASAP.


Monday, January 5, 2009

'Manda, you should have never felt embarrassed or ashamed with regards to your relationship to Ralph. As your friend, I want you to be able to come to me regardless of the situation. I love you and all I care about is your well-being. I will never judge you, I'll just be there to protect you. With that mushy stuff aside, I am so happy that you had the power to get out of such a destructive relationship. Many women find it hard to do so, so you should be proud (particularly because you have found someone better). Robert sounds like a great guy, but I'll be the final judge of that (lol). I hope we all can get together soon (are you still planning to have your birthday in Orlando?). I would love to hear more about your relationship with Robert, so you better keep us updated!

Hey Katie!! Sorry that it has been awhile since we last talked. It seems that things have just been popping up here and there....I haven't had time to just sit down for even a few minutes. I know...excuses, excuses. I promise to try my best to call you more. Don't forget, you can always call me.

As for myself, I finally started my job. I have my own office (which is pretty sizeable) with a window. Jealous, right? Everything, so far, has been going well, but it has only been two days. I have been working on things from contracts to copyrights to dispute resolution. I'll post more once I've had at least a week under my belt.

I want to hear more about your lives, so please post. I love you both!!!!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My Life...

So since I'm not really sure I've explained everything about what's been happening with me lately, I will now. At length. Trust me.

So Ralph and I broke up. Twice. We were together for more than 2.5 years, which unbelievably is longer than Elliot and I were together. At first things were good, then things were tolerable, then good, then tolerable...this was a constant theme for us. Sometimes things were terrible. Sometimes I thought..."Well this is the time I'm going to be hit in the face". These times were not frequent but when Ralph would get angry, I got scared. I never told anyone, continued to talk about him like he was wonderful and made excuses. I can't believe that I became the type of woman who would stay with a man because he was good half of the time. Or the type that would stick around waiting for the time when I really would get hit. We broke up the first time and luckily for me Robert (a man I'd meant once I moved to Jax at work) offered me a place to stay if I needed it. A week later, Ralph somehow got me back, telling me all the things I'd always wanted to hear. Like that he loved me, and couldn't imagine life without me.

So we got back together. Had a terribly awkward Thanksgiving with my parents. Meanwhile, I continued to talk to Robert at every possible minute, online, text, at work, etc. He never once told me to leave him or pressured me or even really mentioned Ralph. After two weeks, Ralph and I were eating dinner and he decided to get pretty drunk and tell me that he thought Robert and I were sleeping together, and that I wasn't giving us a fair chance. Only half of that was true. Since he was drunk I told him we could talk about it later, but he started yelling (which for Ralph was terrifying) and pacing around the living room. I just sat there hoping that if I was small enough I might not get hit. I ended things that night. Locked myself in my room, and prayed that the pathetic lock on the door might detour his aggression. I left that weekend and basically moved into Robert's apt.

I ended up moving out about a week later. After I told my mom and dad what happened, my Dad threatened to move me to Conn. and kill Ralph as possible options. But instead they just helped me move into my new place.

The thing is that Robert has been my crutch, my knight, my everything. He takes me to movies so I don't think about it. Takes me to shows so I can meet people, see things, experience Jax. I am totally gone on him. He is so wonderful. I never considered him a real possibility at first because we are so different...He's 22, from a conservative background, republican, etc. I just thought that we'd be friends. But I don't think we'll ever be just friends. All I know now is that I haven't been this happy ever. I hate to say silly things like soul mates, or anything stupid like that but for the longest time I thought Elliot was the one and only, but now looking back that seems ridiculous. Robert and I are just honest all the time. No lies, no deceit, no mind games. I can't believe it took me so long to figure this shit out.

I can't wait for you both to meet him. You are the most important friends in my life, and I feel terrible that I kept things from you, i.e. Ralph. But I was so ashamed and embarrassed. I didn't know how to get away. I hope that you can both forgive me for being so stupid. I just want you both to know that I'm going to be discussing this relationship more frequently. And I want you both to meet him and get to know him, when you can.

I love you both, and here's hoping that a new year brings new starts and new possibilities.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I need your addresses!!!!

Hey girls! I hope all is well. I was wondering if you would email me your addresses so that I can send you your Christmas presents. Thanks so much! Love you both!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Good Lord

Your life never lacks for drama, huh? It sounds to me like you could use a vacation. A vacation to someplace fabulous, that you've never considered going to before. A place like, oh, I dunno, Minneapolis! We have two fabulous guest rooms, a new dog, and live less than 10 minutes from the Mall of America. Lots of yarn stores, a German restaurant where they sell beer in a boot (waaaaaaayyyyyy too much booze for us, but fun to watch other people drink), and tons of other great stuff. Both of you ladies are welcome anytime.

I may need to hide out with one of you, because I may murder Eric. Last paycheck was the first one we had any leftover from (cause the first 2 were totally eaten up by bills and whatnot), so I was feeling pretty good. The dog got sick and I used the rest of my money from college to pay for that,and this paycheck and the next one will be smaller than normal cause of tax stuff, but still, we were doing ok. And the what the fuck does Eric do? He comes home bitching about how annoying it was to restart our XM radio. Hang on a second, how much did that cost? Ready? Ready?

$450. What. The. FUCK! The worst part is, he has no idea what he did wrong. "But its for 3 years!" Who the fuck cares? He doesn't even drive the car that much anymore, and I'm willing to live with free radio. So instead of having $800 to get us through till next paycheck (Friday after next), we have $300 (cause with tax, the total bill was $500). The rest is for rent. I have no money left in my checking account, and I have no credit card, so I have no way to pay for anything. And we have no savings, because Eric spends everything he gets. I have no idea what to do about this. If I try to talk to him about it, he either gets defensive or accuses me of panicking. Yeah, cause not having any money to pay bills or buy food is totally not a reason to panic. Not having any savings for emergencies, or down payment on a house, or for future children is silly to worry about. I'm thinking of going back to Petsmart, just so I can hoard the money from that job. Saving $180 a week is better than nothing.

Sorry Manda, this was supposed to be a supportive post, but I'm just freaking out about money stuff. Oh, and Jen, congrats on passing the bar. I hope everything is going ok for you and Kevin.
